Save important Gmail conversations
directly to your Dropbox™
with just one click!
Fully Integrated with Gmail!
A single click directly from your inbox saves emails straight to your Dropbox.

Installs in seconds
Just click here, click the Add to Chrome button, give permission on your email, and you’re ready to go.
Save Emails With One Click!
Whether you want to free up space in your inbox, or just increase security by having a backup, saving your emails to Dropbox is easy! Just click the Save To dropdown on any email, and select Dropbox to keep a permanent PDF record of your emails.

100% Free Trial
A free trial of up to 50 emails is available for anyone with a Gmail account or a business email that’s hosted by G Suite. If you need an unlimited number of emails saved to Dropbox, please consider an upgraded Premium Plan.
Premium Plan Available
Our premium plan costs just a few dollars a month. It includes phone and email support and you have options to:
- Include or not to include attachments
- Add or skip page numbers
- Real time save of emails
- chose paper size (letter, A4, A5, etc.)
- More...